about the shop:
I AM MAGICK is an eclectic ritual tool space offering crystals, smoke wands, tarot decks, and a basic apothecary featuring herbs, elixirs, hydrosols, and ritual baths. Tarot and altar building services are available by appointment. The shop proudly supports local Magick Makers through a product consignment program—makers & artists are encouraged to send proposals to magick.buffalo@gmail.com
Statement of Ethics:
I AM MAGICK was born out of the dissatisfaction with spiritually centered crystal shops in Buffalo & beyond. Every crystal that comes into the shop is hand selected by Kay with the upmost care & intention. I AM MAGICK specializes in small set varieties of crystals that are ethically & consciously mined from all over the world. Sustainability and community are at the center of I AM MAGICK’s intentions—ecologically conscious mining practices, carving and finishing practices, and utilizing each piece of packaging & shipping material in efforts to recycle & reuse.
It’s important to highlight these efforts in order to maintain the purity of the crystals in the shop & its origin. When the humans who choose to work within this industry are paid, safe, and provided care, this space reflects that care and intention through every step of the sourcing process.
With these standards in place, you will not find a surplus of specific crystals at I AM MAGICK or will see “crystal seasons” in reflection to these standards when certain material becomes inaccessible, or can not be ethically sourced at that specific time—it will not be available in this shop. Ethics within the systems we are participating in as humans is our number one priority when sourcing crystals.
With full transparency, here are some resources to make you aware of controversy in the mining industry—which begins at our electronic and automotive industry & can trickle into the spiritual niche. I AM MAGICK understands the level of trust you put in this space in order for us to maintain the anonymity of our sources & to maintain the integrity of our retail relationship with our small scale wholesalers.
*The articles & resources listed are a range of views & experience on mining processes across the globe & do not reflect I AM MAGICK specifically, these links are providing transparency of the full range of experience in the mining industry.
“Ethics” in Crystal “Mining”...The Real Culprit—https://hibiscusmooncrystalacademy.com/ethically-mined-crystals/
“Toxic” Crystal & Mineral List: https://hibiscusmooncrystalacademy.com/resources/toxic-crystals-stones/?utm_source=wp&utm_medium=post&utm_term=blog&utm_content=7.8.2015&utm_campaign=WARNING_If_Toxic_Crystals_Are_So_Bad_Why_Do_Some_Recommend_Them%3F
Mica Mining—https://www.mining-technology.com/features/mining-mica-can-the-industry-overturn-its-legacy-of-exploitation/
Byproducts & excessive demandhttps://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/sep/17/healing-crystals-wellness-mining-madagascar
Mining Laws:
Child Labor Reports:
https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ILAB/child_labor_reports/tda2018/ChildLaborReportBook.pdf (most recent)
Mining Safety & Health Administration https://www.msha.gov
Wage and Employment Patterns in the Mining Sector https://www.bls.gov/oes/mining.pdf